Thursday 9 August 2012

Monster on the Motorway

We read a journal story about a teacher, dressed as a lion, causing mayhem on the motorway!  We turned the story into an informative report for the newspaper.

Motorists are shocked after a horrific event on the Auckland motorway which seemed to include a school teacher dressed in a lion outfit.  The teacher, Mr Timms, was on his way to celebrate the first day of Book Week.  Dogs were rabid, truck drivers fainted and a baby was frightened.  A police officer was on duty but had a son in his class so was let off with a wave and a friendly warning.


Motorists struggled to get anywhere yesterday morning due to an incident caused by what appeared to be a homemade lion.  Mr Timms, a local teacher at St Mary’s School, was wearing a lion costume for the annual Book Week, and was heading to work on the State A5 highway.  At first babies were howling, but then it led to dogs barking, people fainting and a heap of stress and commotion that caused the traffic to be delayed.  Fortunately for Mr Timms, the police let him off with a warning and traffic was back on the move.


Motorists on the Auckland highway spotted what appeared to be a homemade lion.  Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that it was a primary school teacher dressed up as a “monster” for his students’ Book Week.  The unusual apparel caused commotion involving dogs, trucks, and a baby that were frightened by the mask.  An officer was sent to investigate and came back laughing.


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