Monday 6 August 2012

Olympic Gold

In response to Nathan Cohen and Joseph Sullivan winning our first gold medal, Mrs Jackson set us the challenge of "showing" not "telling" about the moment.
How well do you think these writers did?

We were extremely nervous.  A mixture of anxiety, tension, nervousness and adrenalin was coursing through our bodies.  We exchanged a glance.  The hopes of all New Zealand were riding on us.  That was at the start.  Now, we are whopping with elated glee as we celebrate our victory.  Yes, that’s right – GOLD MEDALS.  We had received an unusual burst of strength as we powered through the water towards the finishing line.  I’m not being vain or anything, but I knew we were going to win, because we are the champions, my friend ……


Suspense filled my tangled emotions as if it was being eaten as I watched Nathan Cohen and Joseph Sullivan accelerate down the river.  It was heart breaking that they had 500m left and were so far behind Italy and Slovenia.  But all of a sudden, the intense waiting ended – they broke free from the chains that kept them behind, and surged past the rowers of Italy and Slovenia, to claim their gold medals.  It was nail biting to watch but it was a magnificent finish.


500m to go.  I was leaning into the TV.  Even though we were watching it from half way around the globe, it was still so intense.  We’re creeping up from 4th place in the rowing.
The water rippled around the boats.  2nd place.  1st place.  They were in the lead.  It was so overwhelming when Nathan Cohen and Joseph Sullivan past the finish line and won gold for New Zealand.  Arms up, the crowd was going crazy and so were we.


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